7 points To Introduce Yourself In German| Sich Vorstellen A1 Level

Hallo alle zussamnen! Learning German Language? Need to Introduce yourself In German? Then keep reading this article till the end. In this post we are going to cover topic named “sich vorstellen” for German A1 level.

Sich vorstellen means to give introduction. Here I will provide you points and examples that you can used to introduce yourself in German Job interview, Goethe Oral exam, German certificate exam, etc.

Introduction In German Language

7 points that you can perfectly follow to give your introduction in exam or interview includes:

Points You Must Include In German Introduction
Name (Name)
Alter (Age)
Land (Country)
Wohnort (Place)
Sprachen (Language)
Beruf (Profession)
Hobby (Hobby)

If you giving Goethe A1 exam, then introduction includes 50% of your oral exam weightage. So make sure to study this topic properly.

It is not compulsory to follow the exact sequence give in this table in case of interviews. But it’s better if you follow this.

Greetings In German

Basics to introduce yourself in any language is to start by Greeting. Here are list of some basic phrases and greeting that you can use to begin the conversation.

The following is a list of the most common greetings in German:

(southern Germany)
(northern Germany)
Grüß DichHello
Grüß GottHello
(southern Germany)
Guten MorgenGood morning
(until 10:00)
Guten TagGood Day
(from about 10:00 to 5:00)
Moin moinGood morning
(northern Germany)
Guten AbendGood evening
(starting at around 5:00)
Gute NachtGood night
Sehr geehrter Herr SchatzDear Mr. Schatz
(only in letters or e-mails)
Sehr geehrte Frau SchatzDear Mrs. Schatz
(only in letters or e-mails)

Telling Your Name In German (Name)

If someone asks you to tell your name then there can be the following types of questions that can be formed.

Questions to ask what is your name in German:

Wie heißen Sie?/ Wie heißst du?What is your name?
Wie ist dein Name?/ Wie ist Ihr Name?What’s your name?

Answer Formats To Tell your Name:

  • Ich heiße ______(Your Name).
  • Ich bin_________ (Your Name).
  • Mein Vorname ist_________ (First Name) und Familienname ist _______(Last Name).
  • Mein Name ist ________(Your Name).

Other Possible Question related to telling your name:

Können Sie bitte Ihren Namen buchstabieren?(Formal)/
Kannst du deinen Namen Buchstabieren? (Informal)
Can you please spell your name?

Answer: (Example-Tanja) T wie Tee, A wie Apfel, N wie Nase, J wie Jacke, A wie Apfel.

Also read: German Alphabets Notes For A1 Level

How To Tell your Age In German (Alter)

If someone asks you to about your age then there can be the following types of questions that can be formed.

Questions to ask what is your Age in German:

Wie alt sind Sie?What is your age?
Wie alt bist du?What is your age?

Answer Format To Tell your age:

Ich bin ______(your age) jahre alt. (Z.B: Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt.)

Also read: Hacks to learn German Counting

Other Possible Question related to telling your age:

Wann haben Sie Geburtstag?(Formal)/
Wie ist Ihr Geburtsdatum?
Wann sind Sie geboren?
When is your birthday?
What is your date of birth?
When were you born?

Answer: Mein Geburtstag ist am ____(Birth date) Eg: Mein Geburtstag ist am 01. April 1998.

How To tell your Country Name In German (Land)

If someone asks you to about your country name then there can be the following types of questions that can be formed.

Questions to ask what is your Country Name in German:

Woher kommen Sie? (Formal)Where are you from?
Woher kommst du? (Informal)Where are you from?

Answer: Ich komme aus ______(your country name) (Eg: Ich komme aus Indien)

Other possible questions:

Welche Staatsangehörigkeit haben Sie?What’s your nationality?
Welche Nationalität haben Sie?What’s your nationality?

Answer: Meine Nationalität ist________(Your nationality) Eg: Meine Nationalität ist indisch/deutsch.

List Of Country Names In Germany

Die Türkei

How To tell your Residence In German (wohnort)

If someone asks you to about your residence name then there can be the following types of questions that can be formed.

Questions to ask what is your Residence Name in German:

Wo wohnen Sie? (Formal)Where do you live?
Wo wohnst du?(Informal)Where do you live?

Answer: Ich wohne in______(place name) eg: Ich wohne in Berlin.

You can also add in this answer by telling more by using these sentences:

  • Ich wohne mit meiner Familie.
  • Ich wohne allein.
  • Ich wohne in einer WG. (die Wohngemeinschaft- residential community)

How To tell your Language In German (Sprachen)

If someone asks you to about your language name then there can be the following types of questions that can be formed.

Questions to ask what is your language in German:

Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?(Formal)Which languages do you speak?
Welche Sprachen sprichst du?(Informal)Which languages do you speak?

Answer: Ich spreche_______(Your languages name)

Some sample sentences:

  • Ich spreche Hindi, Englisch und etwas Deutsch.
  • Ich spreche Hindi, Englisch und ein bisschen Deutsch.
  • Mein Muttersprache ist Hindi. Ich spreche Englisch und etwas Deutsch.

How To tell your Profession In German (Beruf)

If someone asks you to about your profession name then there can be the following types of questions that can be formed.

Questions to ask what is your profession in German:

Was sind Sie von Beruf? (Formal)What is your profession?
Was machen Sie beruflich?What do you do for a living?

Answer: Ich bin ______(Your Profession name) Eg: Ich bin Studentin.

Some sample sentences:

  • Ich bin Student und arbeite Teilzeit in einem Restaurant. (I am a student and work part time in a restaurant)
  • Ich bin Ingenieur und arbeite bei BMW in München. (I am an engineer and work at BMW in Munich)
  • Ich bin arbeitslos und suche gerade eine Stelle. (I am unemployed and looking for a job right now)
  • Ich bin selbständig. (I am self-employed)

List Of Profession In German (Beruf)

Beruf Auf Deutsch
der Kellner (m)- waiter
die Kellnerin (f)- waitress (f)

der Gärtner (m)- gardener (m)
die Gärtnerin (f)- gardener (f)

der Arzt (m)-doctor (m)
die Ärztin (f)-doctor (f)

der Lehrer (m)-teacher (m)
die Lehrerin (f)-teacher (f)

der Koch (m)-cook (m)
die Köchin (f)-cook (f)

der Designer (m)- designer (m)
die Designerin (f)- designer (f)

der Architekt (m)- architect (m)
die Architektin (f)- architect (f)

der Ingenieur (m)-engineer (m)
die Ingenieurin (f)-engineer (f)

der Autor (m)-author (m)
die Autorin (f)-author (f)

der Verkäufer (m)-sales assistant (m)
die Verkäuferin (f)-sales assistant (f)

der Übersetzer (m)-translator (m)
die Übersetzerin (f)-translator (f)

der Musiker (m)-musician (m)
die Musikerin (f)-musician (f)

der Angestellte (m)- employee (m)
die Angestellte (f)-employee (f)

der Krankenpfleger (m)-nurse (m)
die Krankenschwester (f)-nurse (f)

der Friseur (m)-hairdresser (m)
die Friseurin (f)-hairdresser (f)

How To tell your Hobbys In German (Hobby)

If someone asks you to about your hobbys then there can be the following types of questions that can be formed.

Questions to ask what is your hobbys in German:

Was sind Ihre Hobbys? (Formal)What are your hobbies?
Was sind deine Hobbys? (Informal)What are your hobbies?
Welche Hobbys haben Sie?What hobbies do you have?

Answer : Mein Hobby ist ______(Hobby name)

Meine hobbys sind_______(more than one hobbies)

Ich _____(hobby name)gern.

Some Sample sentences:

  • Mein Hobby ist Tanzen.
  • Meine Hobbys sind Musik hören und Bücher lesen.
  • Ich lese gern.
  • In meiner Freizeit, höre ich gern Musik und backe gern.

That’s all about the topic “How to give Introduction In German language”. If you have any doubts regarding this topic, feel free to ask them in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this with your german learning friends as well.

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