Aussagesatz German Grammar A1

Aussagesatz in German is a basic statement structure which gives you information about the given topic. There are two types of sentences in German (i) Aussagesatz (ii) Fragesatz. In Aussagesatz, there are 3 types of sentences: Positive, Negative and Imperative. In Fragesatz, two types of sentences can be made: Ja/nein Frage and W-frage.

Aussagesatz is also known as Main sentence (Hauptsatz) or independent clause.

Important Point

While translating sentences from German to English or vice versa, we never translate helping verbs like is/am/are while using with main verb.

Example 1: (i) I am Suruchi —> Ich bin Suruchi.

(ii) I am student —> Ich bin Student.

(iii) He is a man —> Er ist ein Mann.

(iv) You are intelligent —> Du bist intelligent.

(Here bin is translated as am, ist is translated as is, and bist is translated as are– because there is no main verb)

Example 2: (i) I am driving car —> Ich fahre Auto.

(ii) I am learning german —> Ich lerne Deutsch.

(iii )You are playing football —> Sie spielen Fußball/ Du spielst Fußball.

(iv) I am cooking breakfast —> Ich koche das Frühstück.

(Here we haven’t translated helping verb like am, are, etc. because sentences have main verb like fahren, spielen, lernen, kochen)

Aussagesatz Basic Sentence Structure- Satzbau

Aussagesatz German Grammar A1

In basic sentences of German language, verb always takes second position in conjugated form.

Let’s see examples with questions (Fragesatz) and answers (Aussagesatz):

  • Wer bist du? (Who are you?) informal case
  • Wie alt bist du? (How old are you?)
  • Ich bin 22 Jahre alt. (I am 22 years old.)
  • Woher kommst du? (Where are you from?/ Where did you come from?)
  • Ich komme aus Indien. (I come from India)
  • Wo du wohnst? (Where do you live?)
  • Ich wohne in Neu Delhi. ( I live in new Delhi)
  • Welche Sprache sprichst du? (What language you speak?/ Which language you speak?)
  • Ich spreche Englisch, Hindi und ein bisschen Deutsch. (I speak English, Hindi and a bit of German.)
  • Was bist du von Beruf? (What is your Profession?)
  • Ich bin Student/Studentin. (I am student) Student-male, Studentin-female
  • Was ist dein Hobby? ( What is your hobby?)
  • Mein Hobby ist Musik hören. (My hobby is listening to music.)

(Notice how all the verbs in above sentences are used in conjugated form according to their subject at second position) All the above questions are used in informal case only.

Ending Note: These sentence structure is valid for basic learners. As you will progress in German, you will get to know more about exceptions and rules related to positions of verb, subject and object. In simple words, it is possible to change word order of sentence without changing meaning of sentence in German language.

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