German Goethe B1 Sprechen exam part is held for 15 minutes where total marks for exam is 100 marks. Here 28 marks will be for Teil 1, 40 marks is alloted for teil 2 and 16 marks is for Teil 3. In this exam, 16 marks will be for pronunciation.

Table of Contents
Teils in the Goethe Sprechen Part B1 exam
Goethe B1 Sprechen exam includes 3 parts:
1) Gemeinsam etwas planen-for 3 minutes
2)Ein Thema präsentation- you will be given two themes & you have to select one.- present for 3 minutes
3)Fragen: After presentation of both participant, here you have to ask the question and your partner will answer. Then your partner will ask the question and you will answer.
Tips for B1 Goethe Sprechen Exam
- While giving opinion during presentation, remember that you don’t need to tell the truth. It’s only about your ability to express your opinion (even if it is made up). No BODY IS HERE TO JUDGE YOUR EXPERIENCE OR PERSONALITY. It’s about your language skill.
- Smile & be patiently.This will be your game saviour.
- If you sound like a 10 year old child. It’s perfectly alright. No body is expecting you to be perfect.
- Most Important: Keep the sentences SIMPLE. This sounds easy but trust me majority of us are wired to think complex. Use simple conjunction like weil, dass, etc. & practice expressing your opinion in simplified manner.
- Unless you are insulting examiner, be chill. Examiner is on your side only and if he/she is being grumpy, it’s 100% not about you personally.
- No need to show of your broad knowledge of vocabulary. Rather focus on using right and common vocabulary.
- Finally reach examination center before time and focus on all basic necessities like water bottle, watch, having enough sleep, eating light food before exam, etc.
How to Give opinion in German B1 Sprechen Exam
While giving presentation in German B1 exam, here are points that you need to cover while speaking. Just add 2-3 lines for every point & you will have your perfect presentation ready.
– In meinem Heimatland…
– Als Kind / in meinem Leben…
– Ein Vorteil / Nachteil von xy ist…
– Ich denke, dass man…(Conclusion)
Ending: Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.
If you don’t understand anythin, use this phrase: Das verstehe ich nicht. Einfacher bitte.
I don’t understand. Simplify it please.
German Oral Exam B1 Important Theme Topics
Here are the list of important topics for B1 Goethe sprechen Teil:
- Soll man eine Fremdsprache lernen? (Should one learn a foreign language?)
- Ist es einfach in einem fremden Land zu leben. (It is easy to live in a foreign country)
- Sollten Kinder Süßigkeiten essen? (Should children eat sweets?)
- Sollten Kinder Handy benutzen? (Should children use cell phones?)
- Soll man im Internet Einkaufen? (Should you shop on the Internet?)
- was denken sie über fertiggerichte oder fertigessen? (what do you think about ready meals?)
- Was denken Sie über das Einkaufszentrum. (What do you think about shopping center.)
- soll man haustiere haben? (should you have pets?)
- Geschwister oder Einzelkind? Was ist besser? (Sibling or only child? What is better?)
- Sollte die Familie gemeinsam essen? (should family eat together)
- Wieviel Fernsehen ist gut für Kinder? (How much television is good for children?)
- Schuluniformen (School uniforms)
- Ist Social Media gut oder schlecht für uns? (Is social media good or bad for us?)/Was denken Sie über soziale Netzwerke?
- Soll man Extremsport treiben? (should one do extreme sports?)
- Sollten sich sowohl Männer als auch Frauen um den Haushalt kümmern? (Should both men and women take care of household?)
- Was denken Sie über Bio-Essen?
- Liebe durch das internet/ Was denken uber Fernbeziehung? (Love through the internet/ What do people think about long distance relationships.)
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