German Vocabulary Quiz On Illness| Krank Sein A1 Deutsch Quiz

It’s time to check our learning on topic ” Illness or common diseases In German”. Try this quiz and check how well you have learned this topic.

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German Vocabulary Quiz On Illness| Krank Sein A1 Deutsch Quiz

#1. You tell doctor that you have pain in your tooth. You say” Ich habe _______”.

#2. Was sagt man “Die Kopfschmerzen” auf Englisch?

#3. I haven’t eat anything since morning. Ich habe ________ ( Stomach ache)

#4. I have a sore throat due to cold. Ich habe ________.

#5. Which of the following is incorrect sentence to say ” I have a headache”?

#6. Choose the correct option for word “Fever”.

#7. Ich habe______ ( Cold).

#8. Was sagt man “Der Durchfall” auf Deutsch?

#9. My Blood pressure is high. Ich habe hohen_______.

#10. Choose the incorrect option.


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