35 Most Important German Adjective List

Here is the list of most common German adjective with their comparative & Superlative degree that you must know. In Komparativ degree, generally -er ending is used while in Superlativ degree, am+sten ending is used. Adjectives are used to describe noun or pronoun in German language.

Ofcourse like any other language, it also has its own exceptions, similarly here we will also see some adjectives that doesn’t follow this general rule in Komparativ and Superlativ degree.

Most Important German Adjective List

List of Most Important German Adjective

Thickdick dickeram dicksten
Thindünndünneram dünnsten
Badschlechtschlechteram schlechtesten
Costlyteuerteuereram teuersten
Longlanglängeram längsten
shortkurzKürzeram kürzesten
Biggroßgrößeram größten
smallKleinKleineram kleinsten
Close/nearnahnäheram nächsten
Highhochhöheram höchsten
goodgutbesseram besten
gladlygernlieberam liebsten
muchvielmehram meisten
oldaltälteram ältesten
poorarmärmeram ärmsten
stupiddummdümmer am dümmsten
Cleverklugklügeram klügsten
healthygesundgesunder/gesünderam gesundesten/gesündesten
coarse/impolitegrobgröberam gröbsten
hardharthärter am härtesten
YoungJung jüngeram jüngesten
coldKaltkälteram kältesten
oftenoftöfteram öftesten
sharp/spicyscharfschärferam schärfsten
weakschwachschwächer am schwächsten
strongstrengstrengeram strengsten
blackSchwarzschwärzeram schwärzesten
warmwarm Wärmeram wärmsten
friendlyfreundlichfreundlicheram freundlichsten
hotheißheißer am heißesten
soursauersaureram sauersten
funnylustiglustigeram lustigsten
excitingspannendspannenderam spannendsten
rarelyseltenselteneram seltensten

German steigerbare Adjektive

These are German Adjective with no comparison degree. One cannot increase the degree of these adjectives. For example “Tot” which means dead in German, here you can’t make it’s comparative degree like Toter. Let’s see some common German steigerbare Adjektive.

German steigerbare Adjektive- No comparison german adjective

tot (dead)

falsch (false)

richtig (right)

voll (full)

fertig (finished)

leer (empty)

perfekt (perfect)

einmalig (unique)

You must learn this list of German adjective with their degrees of comparision, these are most frequent & most common adjectives. Make sure to save this list & share it with you German learner friends.

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